Things I’ve made trying to put my dent in the universe.
I’ve worked on tons of little projects over the years but these are the ones that I’m most proud of. Many of them are open-source, so if you see something that piques your interest, check out the code and contribute if you have ideas for how it can be improved.

RGC: Radio Galaxy Classifier - A Python Package
A Python package for processing and classifying radio galaxy images 📡🧠. The acronym also pays tribute to Radha Govinda Chandra 🔭, a pioneering variable star observer.

Mir Sazzat Hossain | Personal Website
My personal website, built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Contentlayer, and 🚀 deployed on Vercel 🔼

Restaurant Order Prediction Using USTGCN
Real-time food order prediction using Unified Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network (USTGCN). 🍴🚀

Astro Labeller: A web application for labelling astronomical images
A Django based web application for colaborative labelling of astronomical images into different categories. 🌟🌠

Spotify Playing Now: A card for showing your currently playing Spotify song
A card for showing your currently playing Spotify song on your GitHub profile README or other markdown file. 🎵🎶

Food Judge: A social media platform for foodies
A social media platform for foodies to find restaurants, share their experiences, and easily connect with other foodies. 🍴🚀

SPMS: A web basde student performance monitoring system
A Django based web application for monitoring student performance based on their attendance, grades, and other metrics. 👨🏻🎓🧠

HAMS: Appointments management system for hospitals
A web application for managing patient records, scheduling doctor appointments, and managing hospital resources. 🏥👩🏻⚕️

Website for a local pizza shop - Pizza Roma
A website built in Django for a local pizza shop to showcase their menu and take orders online. 🍕🍕

A web application for inventory management of a local bookstore
A web application built in Django for managing inventory of a local bookstore and taking orders online. 📚📚

A simple e-commerce marketplace built using vanilla javascript
A e-commerce marketplace with a shopping cart built using vanilla javascript. 🛒🛍

CSMS: Online car showroom management system for car dealers
A web application for managing a car showroom, including inventory, appointments, and other resources. 🚗🚙